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Original Article Prospective Highlight
Elnaz Moslehifard, Mahmood Robati Anaraki*, Saeed Shirkavand
J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2019;13(3): 234-240. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2019.036
PMCID: PMC6904916     PMID: 31857871    
Original Article Clinical Dentistry
Narmin Mohammadi ORCID, Soodabeh Kimyai* ORCID, Yasaman Ghavami Lahij, Mahmoud Bahari ORCID, Amir Ahmad Ajami ORCID, Mahdi Abed Kahnamouei ORCID, Mehdi Daneshpooy ORCID
J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2020;14(2): 105-109. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2020.023
PMCID: PMC7464230     PMID: 32908651    
Original Article Basic Research
Alexandre Luiz Souto Borges ORCID, Anna Karina Figueiredo Costa ORCID, Amanda Maria de Oliveira Dal Piva ORCID, Alana Barbosa Alves Pinto ORCID, João Paulo Mendes Tribst* ORCID
J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2021;15(3): 188-196. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2021.032
PMCID: PMC8538140     PMID: 34712410     Scopus ID: 85118605640    

Original Article Clinical Dentistry
Paulo Victor Teixeira Doriguêtto ORCID, Daniela de Almeida, Carolina Oliveira de Lima, Ricardo Tadeu Lopes, Karina Lopes Devito* ORCID
J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2022;16(4): 243-250. doi: 10.34172/joddd.2022.039
PMCID: PMC10407872     PMID: 37560496     Scopus ID: 85151469904